Birmingham University in United Kingdom invites application for vacant Research and Faculty Positions, one of the largest and most diverse employers in the United Kingdom.
Research Fellow – Department of Applied Health Sciences – 104748 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates01/06/2025
Be the First to ApplyTo create and contribute to the creation of knowledge by undertaking a specified range of activities within an established research programme and/or specific research project.
Clinical Research Fellow – Department of Metabolism and Systems Sciences – 105120 – Clinical
- United Kingdom Posting Dates01/03/2025
Be the First to ApplyThis post is part of the mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) predict portfolio which focuses on identifying accurate, reproducible biomarkers in mTBI that will predict the most common and disabling consequences of mTBI: primarily persistent post-traumatic headache, as well as cognitive dysfunction, depression, PTSD, dizziness and return to work. This will be achieved through a harmonised program of detailed clinical phenotyping of acute mTBI patients coupled with state-of-the-art multimodal biomarker evaluation (brain imaging, fluid biomarkers, steroid hormones, visual, sleep, cognitive, vestibular, cerebral physiology, and EEG).
Research Fellow – School of Engineering – 105018 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/27/2024
To contribute to the advancement of knowledge by engaging in a range of activities within the EPSRC IAA project, “Cost-effective nanosecond laser drilling technology for energy storage applications such as fuel cells and batteries.” This full-time, one-year position is based at the University of Birmingham’s School of Engineering and involves close collaboration with the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) and its member companies.
Research Fellow – Department of Applied Health Sciences – 105020 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/26/2024
The post-holder will work in the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery (GSU), which improves surgical outcomes thorough collaborative research. This post is part of a new National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) funded grant to deliver research activities to make surgery in the NHS more sustainable.
Research Fellow – School of Social Policy and Society – 105063 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/25/2024
The post holder will work on a grant led by Professor Jill Bradshaw funded by NIHR (National Institute for Health and Social Care Research): COmmuNity eNgagEment and partiCipaTion of adults with learning disabilities (CONNECT). The project will be based in the Intellectual Disabilities Research Institute (IDRIS) at the University of Birmingham.
Research Associate – School of Social Policy and Society – 105061 – Grade 6
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/25/2024
The post holder will work on a grant led by Professor Jill Bradshaw funded by NIHR (National Institute for Health and Social Care Research): COmmuNity eNgagEment and partiCipaTion of adults with learning disabilities (CONNECT). The project will be based in the Intellectual Disabilities Research Institute (IDRIS) at the University of Birmingham.
Research Fellow (Postdoctoral) – Department of Cardiovascular Sciences – 105096 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/25/2024
The project is focused on studying the mechanisms driving the early chronic kidney disease associated cardiomyopathy and investigating the novel treatment options. The successful candidate will be responsible for planning, managing, executing and analysing experiments, and ensuring that key deliverables are met. The successful candidate will be expected to work closely with other members of the Translational Research Cluster on Heart Failure and Arrhythmias and the Birmingham Cardiorenal Group. The post-holder will also be encouraged and supported to apply for fellowships in the cardiovascular field and to develop their independent scientific career.
Research Fellow – Department of Cardiovascular Sciences – 105097 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/24/2024
The selected candidate will join a vibrant and internationally recognised research team aimed to understand the disease mechanisms of inherited cardiac conditions. They will undertake research into disease mechanisms of filamin C-associated cardiomyopathy and its translational implications on a Heart Research UK funded project. The successful applicant will work together with colleagues and employ induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes as a cellular model of disease.
Research Fellow (Mineral Processing) – School of Metallurgy and Materials – 105090 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/23/2024
The post-holder will contribute to the development, optimisation, and application of minerals processing techniques to extract and recycle critical materials from end-of-life components and materials. They will work as part of a multidisciplinary research team with the researchers from the University of Birmingham (UoB) and with other industrial and academic partners
Research Fellow – Department of Nursing and Midwifery – 105066 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/20/2024
This Research Fellow post is to support two projects on unexpected infant and child deaths. The first is a case-control study of SIDS, using data on SIDS cases from the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) with control infants recruited from Birmingham families. The second is a study led by the University of Southampton looking to improve bereavement support for families after sudden infant and child death; University of Birmingham will be interviewing a range of professionals about their support for bereaved families.
Research Fellow (Health Economics) – Department of Applied Health Sciences – 103131 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/20/2024
The post holder will hold a Research Fellow position, working on health economics and value proposition projects within the recently awarded NIHR University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) HealthTech Research Centre (NIHR UHB HRC). The NIHR UHB HRC will deliver a national centre of excellence to support the translation of new healthcare technologies safely, effectively and efficiently into routine care for NHS patients and follow-on social care.
Research Fellow (Health Economics) – Department of Applied Health Sciences – 103130 – Grade 8
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/20/2024
Be the First to ApplyThe post holder will hold a Senior Research Fellow position, leading health economics and value proposition work within the recently awarded NIHR University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) HealthTech Research Centre (NIHR UHB HRC). The NIHR UHB HRC will deliver a national centre of excellence to support the translation of new healthcare technologies safely, effectively and efficiently into routine care for NHS patients and follow-on social care.
Research Fellow – School of Government – 104787 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/19/2024
To create and contribute to the creation of knowledge by undertaking a specified range of activities within the ‘Making aid work for displaced women’ UKRI FLF research initiative.
Research Fellow – School of Engineering – 105023 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/19/2024
To create and contribute to the creation of knowledge by undertaking a specified range of activities within an established research programme and/or specific research project.
Research Fellow – School of Government – 104797 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/18/2024
TrendingTo create and contribute to the creation of knowledge and policy impact by undertaking a specified range of activities within the ‘Making aid work for displaced women’ UKRI FLF research initiative.
Research Fellow – School of Engineering – 105024 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/18/2024
To create and contribute to the creation of knowledge by undertaking a specified range of activities within an established research programme and/or specific research project.
Research Fellow – Department of Applied Health Sciences – 105047 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/17/2024
To create and contribute to the creation of knowledge by undertaking a specified range of activities within an established research programme and/or specific research project.
Research Fellow – School of Engineering – 104826 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/17/2024
To create and contribute to the creation of knowledge by undertaking a specified range of activities within an established research programme and/or specific research project. Specifically, the post will support the new EPSRC Manufacturing Research Hub in Robotics, Automation & Smart Machine Enabled Sustainable Circular Manufacturing & Materials (RESCu-M2) led by the University of Birmingham with partners from Loughborough, Sheffield, Strathclyde, Brighton, and Leeds Universities plus the Manufacturing Technology Centre.
Research Fellow – School of Chemistry – 102639 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/16/2024
We are looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work in the area of cytocompatible polymer synthesis. The aim of the project is to develop polymeric coatings for mammalian cells to enhance cell functions and facilitate cell-cell interactions. The project will be hosted in the Arno lab, in the School of Chemistry at the University of Birmingham and is part of an EPSRC funded project. However, there will be the opportunity to visit collaborators in industry and abroad.
Clinical Research Fellow – College of Medicine and Health – 104166 – Clinical post
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/12/2024
The post-holder will contribute to running of the RETINA-TBI study along with the research team of research nurses, technicians and students, and collect, analyse and publish research data.
Research Fellow (Synergistic radiation effects in austenitic stainless steels with mechanical loading – School of Metallurgy and Materials – 105004 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/10/2024
The postholder will lead the design and realization of targeted ion irradiation experiments, benchmarking with ongoing neutron irradiation campaigns where relevant and depending on material availability, and thereupon the characterization and testing of selected austentitic stainless steels.
Research Fellow in Polymer Chemistry – School of Chemistry – 103333 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/10/2024
To undertake research on synthesis and characterisation of photodegradable materials for capture and selective release of biomarkers in biological fluids, development of analytical methods for measurement of biomarkers, and benchmarking against current gold standard methods such as ELISA.
Research Fellow – School of Metallurgy and Materials – 105003 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/06/2024
The University of Birmingham is seeking to appoint a Research Fellow to contribute to the creation of knowledge, in terms of chemistry and welding impact on the radiation tolerance and mechanics of fusion-grade ODS steels, by combining ion irradiation experiments at reactor-relevant temperatures with an in-depth microstructural characterization and mechanical testing of the irradiated materials.
Research Fellow – School of Computer Science – 105010 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates12/06/2024
The Research Fellow will play a crucial role within the “New Frontiers in Fine-Grained Approximation Algorithms” project, funded by an EPSRC New Investigator Award. As a key contributor, they will work in close collaboration with Dr. Rajesh Chitnis (University of Birmingham) and his collaborators, engaging in cutting-edge research in fine-grained approximation algorithms.
Research Fellow (Medium-energy proton irradiations of fusion-grade steels) – School of Metallurgy and Materials – 104869 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates11/27/2024
The post holder will work on the NEURONE2024+ project funded by the UK Fusion Futures programme and led by the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA). The aim of the NEURONE programme is to develop and deliver an industrially scalable fusion-grade advanced steel capable of operating at 650°C in a fusion breeder-blanket environment.
Research Fellow (SMQB) – Department of Metabolism and Systems Sciences – 97465 – Grade 7
- United Kingdom Posting Dates11/19/2024
The purpose of the role is to develop and apply mathematical models and computational algorithms to understand how perturbations to dynamic brain networks impact upon seizure likelihood. With an emphasis on the emerging field of digital twins for personalised health, the ultimate aim is to enable translation of this understanding into more accurate, diagnosis, prognosis and management of epilepsy.
Clinical Research Fellow – Department of Cancer and Genomic Sciences – 103454 – Clinical
- United Kingdom Posting Dates09/26/2024
We are recruiting two Clinical Research Fellows as PhD students in the area of paediatric oncology. The appointees will be registered on the ‘The Azaylia Childhood Cancer PhD Programme’, with funding available for up to 4 years. The two appointees will undertake project-specific