The University of Bern in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD Positions, offering a broad choice of courses and programs in eight faculties. Postdoctoral position in code optimization for CPU & GPU…
Category: Switzerland
PhD Scholarships (15) at University of Bern in Switzerland
The University of Bern in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD Positions, offering a broad choice of courses and programs in eight faculties. Position / Institute Location PhD Position in Sub-Seasonal Predictability…
PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions (60) at The University of Bern in Switzerland
The University of Bern in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Position, offering a broad choice of courses and programs in eight faculties. Position / Institute Location Tenure-Track Assistant…
PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions (41) at University of Basel in Switzerland
The University of Basel in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff. Tierpfleger*in 100% Doktorand/-in Program Officer – HDP…
Postdoctoral Positions (25) at ETH Zurich University in Switzerland
Postdoctoral Scholarships at ETH Zurich, one of the leading universities for technology and the natural sciences in Switzerland. Postdoctoral Researcher: Lattice Boltzmann modelling of transpiration cooling in porous media100%, Zurich, fixed-term23.12.2024 |…
PhD Scholarships (34) at ETH Zurich University in Switzerland
PhD Scholarships at ETH Zurich, one of the leading universities for technology and the natural sciences in Switzerland. PhD Position: Modelling materials with local lattice instabilities100%, Zurich, fixed-term24.12.2024 | Department of Materials,…
PhD, Postdoctoral and Academic Positions (120) at ETH Zurich in Switzerland
ETH Zurich – Where the Future Begins! As one of the leading international universities for technology and the natural sciences, ETH Zurich is well-known for its excellent education, ground-breaking fundamental research and for implementing its results…
PhD Candidate Statistics & Data Science
Earliest start date February 2025, latest start date September 2025 The Faculty of Psychology is one of seven faculties of the oldest university in Switzerland. With our core focus on Society &…
PhD position in Environmental Economics
The research group of Public Economics (Prof. Beat Hintermann) of the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Basel invites applications for a PhD position. Start date: May 2025 (or by…
2 PhD positions in Sustainability Research, focus on sustainable agri-food system governance
The Sustainability Research Group at the University of Basel, led by Prof. Dr. Janina Grabs, is looking for two PhD researchers to investigate the governance of sustainable agri-food systems, with a particular…
PhD position on quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli
position for 4 years, earliest starting date: 1 January 2025 For the prestigious PhD school of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI), we solicit applications for a paid 4-year PhD student position in…
PhD Candidate Forensic Psychology
Earliest start date February 2025, position to be filled as soon as possible The Faculty of Psychology is one of seven faculties of the oldest university in Switzerland. With our core focus…
29 Postdoctoral Scholarships at ETH Zurich University in Switzerland
Postdoctoral Scholarships at ETH Zurich, one of the leading universities for technology and the natural sciences in Switzerland. Postdoctoral Researcher Integrated Energy System Modelling100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.12.2024 | Energy Science Center (ESC) Postdoctoral…
39 PhD Scholarships at ETH Zurich University in Switzerland
PhD Scholarships at ETH Zurich, one of the leading universities for technology and the natural sciences in Switzerland. PhD Position in Optomechanical Quantum Sensing100%, Zurich, fixed-term11.12.2024 | Department of Physics PhD position…
128 PhD, Postdoctoral and Academic Positions at ETH Zurich in Switzerland
ETH Zurich – Where the Future Begins! As one of the leading international universities for technology and the natural sciences, ETH Zurich is well-known for its excellent education, ground-breaking fundamental research and for implementing its results…
36 PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships at University of Bern, Switzerland
The University of Bern in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Postdoctoral Positions, offering a broad choice of courses and programs in eight faculties. Position / Institute Location PhD Position in…
The University of Bern in Switzerland invites applications for vacant (87) PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions
The University of Bern in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Position, offering a broad choice of courses and programs in eight faculties. Position / Institute Location Studentische Hilfsassistenz…
29 PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships at The University of Lausanne in Switzerland
The University of Lausanne in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD Positions, The University of Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland was founded in 1537 as a school of Protestant theology, before being made…
44 PhD, Postdoctoral and Academic Positions at The University of Lausanne in Switzerland
The University of Lausanne in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoctoral and Academic Positions, The University of Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland was founded in 1537 as a school of Protestant theology,…
20 PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships at University of Basel, Switzerland
PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships at University of Basel, Switzerland, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff. Postdoctoral Researcher (FTE) PhD Candidate Forensic Psychology 100% Postdoctoral Researcher in Forensic…
40 PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions at University of Basel in Switzerland
The University of Basel in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff. Postdoctoral Researcher (FTE) Professorship in Ibero-Romance and…
46 PhD Scholarships at Zurich University in Switzerland
PhD Scholarships and assistant research positions at Zurich University, located in the city of Zürich, is the largest university in Switzerland. StellentitelInstitut/AbteilungPensum Assistenz und Doktoratsstelle Bereich Marketing Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre 60 %…
140 PhD, Postdocs and Faculty Positions at Zurich University in Switzerland
PhD, Postdocs and Faculty Positions at Zurich University, located in the city of Zürich, is the largest university in Switzerland. StellentitelInstitut/AbteilungPensum Verwaltungsassistent/in Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Abteilung Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung Maturitätschulen 50 %…
Bern Academy of the Arts in Switzerland invites application for vacant (34) PhD and Academic Positions
Bern Academy of the Arts in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, an art school with locations in Bern and Biel/Bienne. Job System Architect (80 – 100 %)ServicesBernUnbefristet Job Schreiner *in…
International Institute for Management Development in Switzerland in vites application for vacant (05) Job opportunities
International Institute for Management Development in Switzerland in vites application for vacant Job opportunities, a business school with campuses in Lausanne, Switzerland and Singapore. Creative Production Intern Lausanne, CH Communications Finance Intern…