A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in Musicology is available at the Department of Musicology, University of Oslo. The Department of Musicology, University of Oslo, welcomes applications for one doctoral fellowship in musicology….
Category: Norway
Doctoral Research Fellowship in literary studies
Two Doctoral Research Fellowships (SKO 1017) in literary studies are available at the Department of Literature, European Languages and Area Studies, University of Oslo. We seek innovative, curiosity-driven and scientifically strong candidates who want…
Doctoral Research Fellowship in area studies
Two Doctoral Research Fellowships (SKO 1017) in area studies are available at the Department of Literature, European Languages and Area Studies, University of Oslo. We seek innovative, curiosity-driven and scientifically strong candidates who want…
Doctoral Research Fellowship in Archaeology
A Doctoral Research Fellowship position (SKO 1017) in Archaeology is available at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History (IAKH), University of Oslo. The position is open in terms of thematic and…
Doctoral Research Fellow in linguistics
A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in linguistics is available at the Department of Literature, European Languages and Area Studies, University of Oslo. The position will be affiliated with the research program DESCRYPT – Echoes…
Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology
A full-time position as an Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology* is available in the Health, Developmental, and Personality Psychology (HUP) Section of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, at the…
Associate Professor in Art or Visual Culture before 1000 CE
We welcome applications for a tenured position in art and visual or material culture broadly defined chronologically and geographically to encompass all ancient worlds up to approximately 1000 CE (including, but not…
Associate Professor – Artificial Intelligence in Psychology
The Department of Psychology (PSI) is dedicated to advancing the understanding of human behavior and mental health, and it does so across the full spectrum of psychology: from clinical and counseling to…
Associate Professors in Political Science
The Department of Political Science at University of Oslo is seeking to hire multiple faculty members (2-4) at the rank of Associate Professor (tenured) in Political Science. The successful candidates are expected…
PhD position within Risk-Based Asset Management of Urban Water Systems
A PhD position in Risk-Based Asset Management of Urban Water Systems is available at the Department of Building and Environmental Technology at the Faculty of Science and Technology. The PhD position is for a period…
Postdoctoral Research Fellows of droplet wetting in cells
One or two Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are available at the Mechanics Division, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo. Starting date no later than August 1, 2025. No one can be…
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in mechanics of lubricated vibrational sheets
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship is available at the Mechanics Division, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo. Starting date no later than August 1, 2025. No one can be appointed for more…
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Computational Biology and Epigenetics
The Department of Biosciences (IBV), University of Oslo (UiO), invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in computational biology and epigenetics in the group of Pierre Chymkowitch. This position is associated with the recently…
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mental Health Research
A postdoctoral fellowship is available at the PROMENTA Research Center, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo. The appointment is a fulltime position for a period of three years. A fourth year can…