Helsinki University in Finland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, is a university located in Helsinki, Finland. the oldest university in Finland.
Faculty of Medicine
Doctoral Researcher in the Emotional Interaction and eHealth (EIeH) research group / META 2
Doctoral Researcher in the Emotional Interaction and eHealth (EIeH) research group Doctoral Researcher in the Emotional Interaction and eHealth (EIeH) research group for 3 years. The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Helsinki is announcing a fixed-term, full-time doctoral research…
Apply before 27.12.2024
Faculty of Medicine
Doctoral Researcher in the Emotional Interaction and eHealth (EIeH) research group / META 1
Doctoral Researcher in the Emotional Interaction and eHealth (EIeH) research group Doctoral Researcher in the Emotional Interaction and eHealth (EIeH) research group for 3 years. The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Helsinki is announcing a fixed-term, full-time doctoral research…
Apply before 27.12.2024
Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Postdoctoral Researcher in Ecological Modelling or Trait-based Ecology
The Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences invites applications for a Postdoctoral researcher position in ecological modelling or experimental trait-based ecology. This position is for 2 years, starting at earliest in February, but not later than April 2025. Job description The …
Apply before 30.12.2024
Faculty of Science
Two university researchers, Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Earth System Research (INAR)
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) is a multi- and interdisciplinary research unit based in physics, chemistry, meteorology, forest sciences, environmental sciences, and social sciences in the University of Helsinki. INAR aims to strengthen the internationally lead…
Apply before 31.12.2024
Helsinki Institute of Life Science
Postdoctoral position in Structural Biology/Biochemistry
The HiLIFE – Institute of Biotechnology (BI) is a research institute that operates at the highest international level. It includes 40 research groups and 250 researchers. The Institute is situated in the Viikki science park. For more information on the Institute, please visit https://www….
Apply before 31.12.2024
Helsinki Institute of Life Science
Laboratory Technician Position in Molecular Biology
The HiLIFE – Institute of Biotechnology (BI) is a research institute that operates at the highest international level. It includes 40 research groups and 250 researchers. The Institute is situated in the Viikki science park. For more information on the Institute, please visit https://www….
Apply before 31.12.2024
Faculty of Medicine
Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of human gut microbiome
Research Program Unit at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Helsinki invites applications for a fixed-term position of Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of human gut microbiomefrom 1.2.2025 until 31.12.2026 or according to agreement.Our research group, funded by the ERC and t…
Apply before 31.12.2024
Independent institutes
Senior Research Software Engineer/ IT center
University of Helsinki’s IT Center is looking for a Senior Research Software Engineer to a permanent, full-time position. The desired start date is January 2025, or as agreed. Are you more of a programmer than your researcher colleagues? Are you more of a researcher than commercial devel…
Apply before 7.1.2025
Faculty of Medicine
Doctoral / Post-doctoral researcher position in mathematical modelling of ovarian cancer
Doctoral / Post-doctoral researcher position in mathematical modelling of ovarian cancer The growing body of patient-derived data and insights into tumour evolution has given rise to an exciting field focused on developing mathematical models to understand the spatial and dynamic progress…
Apply before 10.1.2025
Faculty of Science
Director of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT
Aalto University and the University of Helsinki are looking for a proven leader to be the next Director of Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIITBecoming the Director of the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT offers a unique and prestigious career opportunity t…
Apply before 15.1.2025
Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Postdoctoral Researcher in Microbiota Manipulation for Pathogen Control in Pollinators
The Insect Symbiosis Ecology and Evolution (ISEE) Research Group at the Organismal and Evolutionary Research Program, the University of Helsinki, Finland invites applications for aPOSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERin Microbiota Manipulation for Pathogen Control in PollinatorsSymbiotic bacterial comm…
Apply before 15.1.2025
Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
University Lecturer in Integrative Physiology
The Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, invites applications for the position of UNIVERSITY LECTURER IN INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY This permanent position is expected to start 1 August 2025 or by mutual agreement. The candidate is expected to have a stron…
Apply before 15.1.2025
Helsinki Institute of Life Science
Postdoc and PhD Student Positions in Neurobiology / Molecular Cell Biology
The research group led by Associate Professor Juha Saarikangas is seeking talented postdoctoral researchers and PhD students. Our team explores how global changes in protein folding and assembly states contribute to spatially organized and adaptive biochemistries in cells using multidisci…
Apply before 15.1.2025
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Assistant Professor / Associate Professor / Professor, Veterinary Epidemiology
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine invites applications for the following position: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR / ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR / PROFESSOR OF VETERINARY EPIDEMIOLOGY (eläinlääketieteellinen epidemiologia / veterinärmedicinska epidemiologi)The position will be at the Department of Veterinar…
Apply before 15.1.2025
Faculty of Medicine
Postdoctoral Researcher or Doctoral Researcher in Cell Communication group
The Cell Communication group led by Dr. Kari Vaahtomeri at the Translational Cancer Medicine Research Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki invites applications for a fixed-term position ofPostdoctoral Researcher / Doctoral ResearcherVaahtomeri lab is a dynamic young resear…
Apply before 17.1.2025
Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
University Lecturer in Plant Biology
The Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Helsinki is seeking a UNIVERSITY LECTURER in the field of Plant biology for a permanent position starting no later than 1 September 2025. We are looking for a university lecturer with experience and expertise in tea…
Apply before 17.1.2025
Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Laboratory technician, Lammi Biological Station
Lammi Biological Station is one of three research stations in the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Helsinki, along with Tvärminne Zoological Station and Kilpisjärvi Biological Station. At the station, research, teaching and meeting activities are year-…
Apply before 19.1.2025
Helsinki Institute of Life Science
Postdoctoral researcher in new model organism project
Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE) and Research Programs Unit of the Faculty of Medicine together form a top-quality research environment in the biomedical campus of University of Helsinki. Research focus areas with particularly high quality and innovative nature are carried out …
Apply before 20.1.2025
Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Assistant
The Fagerholm group at the Faculty of Bio- and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki is seeking to recruit a RESEARCH ASSISTANT The researcher will participate in a project which investigates and develops novel immunotherapies (cell therapies) to cancer. The position is available…
Apply before 21.1.2025
Faculty of Social Sciences
Two Postdoctoral Researchers in Urban Anthropology of Africa
The Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki invites applications for the position of 2 POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS IN URBAN ANTHROPOLOGY OF AFRICA for a fixed term period of 18 months, starting as agreed, but latest in June 2025.These full-time positions are part of Dr La…
Apply before 23.1.2025
Helsinki Institute of Life Science
Postdoctoral Researcher in Functional Cancer Microbiome through the NORPOD program
Postdoctoral Researcher in Functional Cancer Microbiome through the NORPOD program NORPOD is a collaborative postdoctoral program of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine. The partnership is a network of four national research centers across the Nordics and the European Molec…
Apply before 24.1.2025
Helsinki Institute of Life Science
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Genomics and Machine Learning through the NORPOD program
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Genomics and Machine Learning through the NORPOD program NORPOD is a collaborative postdoctoral program of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine. The partnership is a network of four national research centers across the Nordics and the…
Apply before 24.1.2025
Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
3-year Post-Doctoral Researcher Position in Experimental and Molecular Food Web Ecology
The Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Academy Research Fellow Dr. Susanne Kortsch are inviting applications for a 3-year postdoctoral researcher position in experimental and molecular food web ecology The position is funded by the Research Council of Finland fellowship …
Apply before 31.1.2025
Faculty of Law
Professor in sustainability law
The Faculty of Law invites applications for a professorship in sustainability law to be established with endowments for a fixed term of three years as of 1 September 2025, or as agreed. The professor of sustainability law will work in Helsinki, but their duties include the provision of te…
Apply before 31.1.2025
Faculty of Law
University lecturer in law (5 positions)
The Faculty of Law invites applications for five university lectureships to be filled on a permanent basis at its Helsinki unit from 1 May 2025, or as agreed. The positions are broad-based in that we expect applicants to be able to teach in at least two fields of law under the Bachelor’s …
Apply before 31.1.2025
Faculty of Science
Doctoral Researcher in Silicic magmas in Precambrian ophiolites & modern divergent plate boundaries
The Faculty of Science invites applications for aDOCTORAL RESEARCHER in Silicic magmas in Precambrian ophiolites and modern divergent plate boundaries starting in May 2025 or as agreed. The Doctoral Researcher will be offered a fully funded contract up to 3 years.The position is part of t…
Apply before 31.1.2025
Faculty of Science
Doctoral Researcher in Geochemical signatures of fluids in lavas from divergent plate boundaries
The Faculty of Science invites applications for aDOCTORAL RESEARCHER in Geochemical signatures of fluids in lavas from divergent plate boundaries starting in May 2025 or as agreed.The Doctoral Researcher will be offered a fully funded contract of up to 3 years.The position is part of the …
Apply before 31.1.2025