Postdoctoral Scholarships at ETH Zurich, one of the leading universities for technology and the natural sciences in Switzerland.
Post-Doc Position: Bio-Image Analysis100%, Basel, fixed-term09.12.2024 | Computational Biology Group (CoBi, Prof Dagmar Iber)
Postdoctoral Position in Molecular Systems Biology100%, Zurich, fixed-term06.12.2024 | Institute of Molecular Systems Biology
Postdoctoral Researcher – Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) and Software Development100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.12.2024 | Swiss Seismological Service (SED) – ETH Zurich
Postdoctoral Position – Explore gene expression in healthy and diseased human neuronal networks using electrophysiology and spatial transcriptomics100%, Basel, fixed-term27.11.2024 | Bio Engineering Laboratory
Two Postdoc Positions in Experimental Quantum Engineering (EQE) Group100%, Zurich, fixed-term25.11.2024 | The Experimental Quantum Engineering (EQE)
Postdoctoral researcher in shared mobility100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.11.2024 | D-BAUG; Institute for Transport Planning and Systems
Postdoc position for the Nulling Interferometry Cryogenic Experiment (NICE)100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.11.2024 | Exoplanets & Habitability Research Group
Postdoctoral position in Analysis and PDEs100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.11.2024 | Department of Mathematics
Postdoc in High Performance Computing (Development of Parallel Numerical Algorithms for Nano-Device Simulation)100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.11.2024 | Computational Nanoelectronics Group (Integrated Systems Laboratory)
Postdoc position in THz dynamics of quantum materials100%, Zurich, fixed-term18.11.2024 | Institute for Quantum Electronics – Department of Physics
Postdoctoral Researcher in Machine Learning100%, Zurich, fixed-term11.11.2024 | Institute for Machine Learning
Postdoc Gravitational Physics Research Group100%, Zurich, fixed-term11.11.2024 | Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
Postdoctoral position – High Resolution Air Quality Numerical Modeling100%, Zurich, fixed-term11.11.2024 | Institute of Environmental Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher in Animal Genomics100%, Zurich, fixed-term30.10.2024 | Animal Genomics Group
Postdoctoral Position in Quantitative Social Media Research100%, Zurich, fixed-term30.10.2024 | Please enter the institute or the departement
Postdoc in Empirical IP/Privacy/Antitrust/AI Governance100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.10.2024 | Center for Law & Economics
Postdoctoral Scientist on Light-based 3D Printing of Articular Cartilage100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.10.2024 | Institute for Biomechanics
Postdoctoral researcher on climate modelling of aerosol-cloud interactions100%, Zurich, fixed-term18.10.2024 | Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
Postdoc on Digital Market Regulation100%, Zurich, fixed-term18.10.2024 | Center for Law & Economics
Postdoctoral position in Probability and Analysis100%, Zurich, fixed-term18.10.2024 | Departement of Mathematics
Postdoctoral Researcher in Industrial Robotics100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.10.2024 | Partnerinserat | Industrial Robotics Group
Post-Doctoral Researcher – Evaluating Global Food Systems Sustainability100%, Zurich, fixed-term30.09.2024 | Laboratory of Sustainable Food Processing
Postdoc in Satellite Gravimetry100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.09.2024 | Chair of Space Geodesy
Postdoctoral Position at the Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.04.2024 | D-BAUG – IBI – CEA